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First ever tenant conference

24 January 2023

On Thursday 19th January, Jewish Blind & Disabled held its first ever tenant conference. Over 100 tenants from across our seven developments, along with staff and trustees came together for the event.

The aim of the day was for tenants to share ideas, think about ways in which they can get involved within their communities (and beyond) and to have the opportunity to meet new people from different developments and hear more about initiatives in other JBD buildings.

Our Community Engagement Manager, Simone Mazin, said: “One thing covid has allowed us to do is take a step back to evaluate what Community Engagement means for Jewish Blind & Disabled. In particular, how we as an organisation can empower tenants to shape and develop their own communities and how we can support tenants to make change happen.

The conference was all about Community Engagement and was designed to bring tenants and staff together to share how they play a role in their local and wider community. We want to support tenants to take the lead on community engagement initiatives which directly affect their lives both inside and outside of their buildings.”

Cynthia, a tenant at Fairacres, said: “Thank you for a lovely day – it was so well organised and I enjoyed being on a table with different people. I was the only Fairacres tenant on my table, but it was great sharing ideas with others.  I feel very lucky to be living in a JBD development – the place I call home.”

Our Chief Executive, Lisa Wimborne, said: “The warmth in the room was obvious and it was great to see tenants from all developments of all ages interacting. New friendships were formed, and I was witness to two tenants sharing contact details and making plans to meet up. I am sure they weren’t the only ones.

I left the event feeling incredibly proud to be leading this organisation and excited about the opportunities ahead. Engaging tenants and enabling them to shape their own developments and our wider community is something I remain committed to. Today was a step in the right direction. We will learn as we progress with this work.”

See photos from the event here

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