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Inspiring the next generation of leaders

Participants celebrate graduation at Jewish Care's MIKE youth leaders
30 June 2022

On Tuesday 28th June, our Chief Executive, Lisa Wimborne, was invited to be the guest of honour at Jewish Care’s MIKE youth leadership programme awards.

The evening recognised the dedication of more than 90 inspiring young leaders who are participants of the youth leadership programme, which stands for Motivation, Inspiration, Knowledge, and Education.

As a former graduate of the programme she encouraged the current participants to make the most of the programme and all it offers. Lisa said: “This programme helped me develop skills that would set me up for my future. Skills that you can’t learn in a classroom. The programme has become a breeding ground for future leaders working in both professional and lay leadership roles. There are many chief executives I work alongside have gone through the MIKE youth leadership programme.

You are on the best leadership training programme I have ever come across. Throw yourselves into everything if offers and I hope one day you will be back here, on this stage talking about your journey to the next generation”.