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November is Jewish Legacy Awareness Month

Hayley at Aztec House
11 November 2021

November is Jewish Legacy Awareness Month and at least £1 in every £3 we raise is made possible thanks to the generosity of people who remember us in their wills. As an independent charity that does not receive any government funding, it is only through legacies and donations that we are able to continue to develop and provide our unique offering.

The majority of our tenants are not born with a disability; instead, at some point in their lives they face a diagnosis that will have a significant impact on their life from that time forward.  For many, this comes as a shocking and unexpected diagnosis that can feel like a total loss of dependence and self-worth. However, with the right facilities and support, a disability does not have to mean a loss of vital independence and self-worth. Our adapted apartments and support in someone’s own home remove the barriers that people with disabilities or impaired vision face when living in inappropriate housing.

This month we were informed of a legacy left to us from a lady called Valerie Rubin. Valerie knew people living in our North East London developments and had spent a considerable time helping a blind lady with paperwork and helping with other everyday tasks. She was aware of the struggles that people with sight loss faced and wanted to leave her money to a charity that supported people with vision impairments.

Legacies can come in all different shapes and sizes. It is only with the support of legacies and donations that we can continue to protect and support our tenants and build to meet increased demand from across the community for people with physical disabilities and / or impaired vision. To find out more about leaving a gift in your will, please contact Rachel Barres on 020 4548 8692 or rachel@jbd.org

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