With the generous support from the Desmond Foundation, Jewish Blind & Disabled are delighted to introduce our enhanced school’s programme for 2022.
The programme aims to educate and engage young people about a range of disabilities and provide them with an understanding of day to day life for someone living with a physical disability and / or impaired vision.
We are lucky to have inspiring tenant ambassadors who are happy to talk to school children about their disability and share their experiences. We have also produced an activity pack that each child can take home and learn more about disabilities.
The session is recommended for Key Stage 2 pupils and we encourage them to ask a range of questions. If you are interested in this session please contact us to see how we can help.
After a recent session at Rimon Primary School, the Headteacher said “the session was great and so inspiring.”
If you are a teacher or parent at a school and would like to arrange a visit from a Jewish Blind & Disabled tenant or to find out more about how your school could support JBD, please email Rachel Barres on rachel@jbd.org. Prior to the visit we can discuss who would be the best-placed tenant for your school’s needs.