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Our work would not be possible without the support from dedicated volunteers. Volunteers play a vital role in creating the warm community atmosphere that exists within all of our buildings and also support tenants on an individual basis

Volunteers give their time in a range of different ways, including:

  • Running or assisting with classes for tenants
  • Helping to organise events and activities within our developments – examples include (but are not limited to) running an art class, creative writing sessions or a bridge clubs, giving talks or facilitating discussion groups
  • Befrienders who spend time with tenants in person or on the phone
  • Supporting with administration at Head Office
  • Establishing or joining a fundraising committee
  • Becoming a Trustee for Jewish Blind & Disabled.

Why volunteer at Jewish Blind & Disabled?

By volunteering with Jewish Blind & Disabled, you will:

  • Become a valued member of the ‘JBD family’ and make a real difference to the lives of tenants
  • Have the opportunity to meet and establish friendships with some of our inspiring tenants, staff and other volunteers
  • Be supported by a professional team through an induction, regular training sessions and ongoing support
  • Have the opportunity to develop skills
  • Be invited to volunteer thank you events.
If you have any questions about volunteering, please call 020 4548 8674 or email volunteer@jbd.org

Annabelle & Trevor's Story

Trevor is a tenant and Annabelle is a student who got involved with Jewish Blind & Disabled when we were looking for volunteers at the start of the pandemic. Since the summer of 2020, Annabelle and Trevor have been speaking weekly on the phone. The video captures the moment they met for the first time.

We have a range of different types of volunteering roles

Find a role that is suitable for you

Help us create the warm supportive communities that exist in our buildings

Volunteer Application Form

volunteers supported tenants with shopping or befriending since the start of the pandemic


tenants have been matched with telephone befrienders


activities led by volunteers each week

Fairacres volunteer Barbara

“I started volunteering at Fairacres in 2014; organising an afternoon tea club every Tuesday and a lunch every few months. Its safe to say volunteering with Jewish Blind & Disabled has enriched my life.”

Barbara Wallis, Jewish Blind & Disabled Volunteer
julie Power with ball

“For many years now, I have had the pleasure of meeting lots of lovely tenants who are willing to join me for our weekly chair-based exercise classes.”

Julie Power, Jewish Blind & Disabled Volunteer